Wednesday, 23 October 2013



It’s our party we can do what we want / És la nostre festa podem fer el que vulguem
It’s our party we can say what we want / És la nostre festa podem dir el que vulguem
It’s our party we can love who we want / És la nostra festa podem estimar a qui vulguem
We can kiss who we want / Podem fer un petó a qui vulguem
We can see who we want (2x) / Podem mirar a qui vulguem (x2)

Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere / Copes vermelles i cossos suats a tot arreu
Hands in the air like we don’t care / Mans enlaire com si res importes
Cause we came to have so much fun now / Perque vivim per divertir-nos ara
Bet somebody here might get some now /Aposta a algu que aquí podria passar alguna cosa  

If you’re not ready to go home / Si no estàs preparat per anar cap a casa
Can I get a hell no / No em diguis que no
Cause we gonna go all night / Perque ho farem aquesta nit 
Till we see the sunlight alright / Fins que veiem la llum del día

So la da di da di, we like to party / So la da di da di, ens agrada la festa
Dancing with Miley / Ballant amb la Miley
Doing whatever we want / Fent el que vulguem 
This is our house / Aquesta és la nostre casa
This is our rules / Aquestes són les nostres regles
And we can’t stop / I no podem parar
And we won’t stop / I no pararem
Can’t you see it’s we who own the night / No pots veure que sóm els amos de la nit
Can’t you see it we who bout’ that life / No pots veure que sóm nosaltres del que tracte la vida
And we can’t stop / I no podem parar
And we won’t stop / I no pararem
We run things, Things don’t run we / Dominarem coses, les coses no ens dominaran
We don't take nothing from nobody / No pendrem res de ningu

It’s our party we can do what we want / És la nostre festa podem fer el que vulguem
It’s our party we can say what we want / És la nostre festa podem dir el que vulguem
It’s our party we can love who we want / És la nostra festa podem estimar a qui vulguem
We can kiss who we want / Podem fer un petó a qui vulguem
We can see who we want / Podem mirar a qui vulguem

To my home girls here with the big butt / A casa meva totes les noies amb cul gros
Shaking it like we at a strip club / Moguente'l com si estiguessim a un club d'estriptis
Remember only God can judge ya / Recorda, només Déu ens pot jutjar 
Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya / Oblida els enemics i ara estimeu-los
And everyone in line in the bathroom / Tothom fent fila per al labavo 
Trying to get a line in the bathroom / Intentant fer una fila per el labavo
We all so turned up here / Estem aqui passantnos-ho molt be
Getting turned up, yeah, yeah / Passantnos-ho molt bé, si

So la da di da di, we like to party / So la da di da di, ens agrada la festa
Dancing with Miley / Ballant amb la Miley
Doing whatever we want / Fent el que volguem
This is our house / Aquesta és la nostra casa
This is our rules / Aquestes són les nostres regles
And we can’t stop / I no podem parar
And we won’t stop / I no volem parar
Can’t you see it’s we who own the night / No pots veure que som els amos de la nit
Can’t you see it we who bout’ that life / I no pots veure que és de nosaltres que tracta la vida
And we can’t stop / I no podem parar
And we won’t stop / I no volem parar
We run things things don’t run we / Dominarem coses, les coses no ens dominaran
We don't take nothing from nobody / No pendrem res de ningu

It’s our party we can do what we want / És la nostre festa podem fer el que volguem
It’s our party we can say what we want / És la nostre festa podem fer el que volguem
It’s our party we can love who we want / És la nostre festa podem fer el que volguem
We can kiss who we want / Podem fer un peto a qui volguem
We can see who we want / Poden mirar a qui volguem 

It’s our party we can do what we want to / És la nostre festa podem fer el que volguem
It’s our house we can love who we want to / És la nostre casa podem estimar a qui volguem 
It’s our song we can sing if we want to / És la nostre canço podem cantar-la a qui volguem
It’s my mouth I can say what I want to / És la meva boca puc dir el que vulgui
Yea, Yea, Yeah / Si, si, si

And we can’t stop / I no podem parar
And we won’t stop / I no volem parar
Can’t you see it’s we who own the night / No pots veure que som els amos de la nit
Can’t you see it we who bout’ that life / I no pots veure que és de nosaltres que tracte la vida
And we can’t stop / I no podem parar
And we won’t stop / I no volem parar
We run things things don’t run we /  Dominarem les coses, les coses no ens dominaran
We don't take nothing from nobody  / No treurem res de ningu
Yea, Yea, Yea / Si, si, si

Thursday, 17 October 2013


This summer, I didn't do many things. I went to the beach, swimmingpool,...
But also in August I went to Urretxeu, Navarra, to dance with Esbart. I did an interchange with the Esbart of Urretxu.
There we had a special night.
After we danced in a square we went for dinner with all the dancers.
Whail the dinner, we started dance. We dance "En Joan petit com balla", "La champanya", "La polca",... are a similar traditional dances of here but a different version. One of these dances is very funny, because you dance in pairs and jups, do claps... We all finished very, very, very tried, but happy because it is a happy and funny dance. We made more friends. We stayed dancing at 2:30 am. Then we went to the pubs in te village. It was a very funny interchange!



On 16 September 2013, after 612 days submerged in 15 meters of the sea.
The capitan, Francesco Schettino, is accused of manslaughter, causing the shipwreck and abandoning ship, but says that the problem the wreck also caused the rest of the crew.  


The yellow route is the normal that the boat do, and the orange route is the route that the boat was done 13 January 2012. 

Damaged side of the Costa Concordia

The salvage operation is estimated to have cost at least 500 million euros ($420m) so far, but some insurance analysts predicting that this could rise.
The project has faces delays due to bad weather and difficulties in drilling support structures into the hard granite sea bed.
During the early phases of the operation, there were fears that the wreck could slide into deeper wanter and sink completely. 
But finally the salvage operation was been a success. 

I think that the capitan did not have abandoned the boat because he left passengers back to the boat without knowing they had to do, is very cruel on his part.