From a month ago, I got a lamb. My father found him one day in the middle of a field, when he was working. I had a few hours he was born, because since it was wet. When my father came with the lamb, I was very sorpraise made me so much illusion.
That came was very hungry, but I had bottle and they had to make some inventions, so they put the milk in a plastic glove (doctor, dentist, ...) they made a hole and is was so comfortable that everything was moving it's tail and it was happy. From that day, every day morning noon and night to give the bottle.
She follows you like you're his mother, when she sees you call, you run and she run it. It is pretty fun and be with her, the moment I make you're down company.
I do some research to know what they eat. And so I did. And she loves "hoserda".
For me it is more like an animal companion.