Thursday 15 May 2014


A lot of social networks while Facebook, Youtube,... have been described as a procrastinator's dream.
Instead of procrastinating, research has found people prefer to tackle difficult tasks, stock image pictured, immediately to get them out of the way

Dubred "precrastination" the researchers from Pensilvania claim that hurry up to complete a task is more commun than first thought, even if it's harder to do.
Most of us we have many things to do, and have a pice of paper with pending tasks, in our mobiles, but also in our heads.
The resarchers found news experiments, with this experiments were able to rule out various potencial explanations about the experiments. Much of people say that wanted to save physical effort and go faster. But what we didn't realize was that they made more effort and take more.

In my opinion, that when er do something, we want it fast and we try to save work, but sometimes we work more than me relize. My advice is that before you do anything, stop a moments to think about how to do it. We will do our best. 


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